Saturday, January 2, 2021

Nutrition in Humans - 3D Model

School : Hansraj Model School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi

Name of Activity : "Making living sustainable-My GUT Instinct" ( 3D-Model of human digestive system) 

 Grade/Level : VII 

 Subject : Science

 Art Integrated : Creating Art Tank using materials available in surroundings. 

 Topic: Nutrition in Living Organisms-Animal and Humans

 Sub-topic : Nutrition in Humans

 Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to –

Construct/ Build various organs that make up the digestive system using  materials available at home. 

Enhance their creativity and presentation skills by realising the importance of recycling and reusing. 

• Develop intellectual and motor skills in identifying , organising and learning structures and  functions of various organs. 

 Ideated & Executed by: Ms. Aarti Bhasin and Ms. Harsheet Kaur. 

Description : The students were well-versed with the  complete functioning of digestive system and importance of nutrition in human. They were encouraged to build 3D models of above topic using any relevant material available at home to promote "Sustainable living" in this corona times. This activity helped them to collaborate & create.

Variations possible: Children could not venture out of their homes in corona times otherwise could have worked in teams under the valuable guidance of teachers.

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