Sunday, February 14, 2021

Preposition Garden


School: North Delhi Public School


Grade Level: 4 -A

Subject(s): English 

Art(s) Integrated: Craft

Learning Outcome:

1.Students will be able to understand  the concept of Preposition easily and effectively.

2. The activity will enhance the listening skills of the children.

3. The activity will develop imagination , creativity , logical thinking of the children.

4. The students will be able   to represent the topic artfully.

5. Using  different Prepositions correctly. 

Ideated by: Ms. Bhavna Puri

Executed by: Students of class 4A

Description:  The students creatively created Preposition Garden with the origami sheets and easy available material as per the given  instructions by the teacher.

गतिविधि का नाम - अभिनय द्वारा कविता की प्रस्तुति

 Art Integrated Project - Hindi ( कला समेकित शिक्षा) 

स्कूल - एवरग्रीन पब्लिक स्कूल

वसुंधरा एन्क्लेव, दिल्ली -९६

कक्षा - नवीं

गतिविधि का नाम - अभिनय द्वारा कविता की प्रस्तुति

सीखने के प्रतिफल - 

1-  विद्यार्थियों में काव्य के प्रति रुचि उत्पन्न करना l

2 - विद्यार्थियों में भावानुभूति तथा सौंदर्यानुभूति का विकास करना l

विचारात्मक सोच - विनीता त्यागी

कार्यान्वित किया - रिद्धिमा शर्मा

कक्षा - नवी

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Dramatic Conventions


Name of Activity:  Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory

Grade Level: Grade 5

Subject(s): English

Art(s) Integrated: Featuring Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory using chocolates, cakes, and eatables or using craft.

Topic/Chapter: Dramatic Conventions

Sub-Topic/Concept: Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Learning Outcome(s):  

Students will be able to identify the characters. 

Students will be able to know about the dramatic conventions. 

The activity will develop the creativity of the children.

Students will be able to present artistically.

Ideated by: Revathi Sukavai (Grade 5 teacher)

Executed by: Student of Grade 5

Description:  Students have featured Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. They use their knowledge, creativity and collect different kinds of materials available at home like something waste, old toys, shoebox or toy box, artificial plants or chocolates, cakes, candies, and eatables to give a live experience. They organized the material to create a model of 'Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory'. They placed the characters of Willy Wonka, Augustus gloop, Charlie Bucket, and Oompa Loompa’s.

Variations Possible - Students can choose any available material for the base and for the structure.

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