Saturday, January 2, 2021

Ashoka- The Messenger of Peace Map

Name of School: Mamta Modern Sr. Sec. School

Name of Activity: Mark the extent of Ashoka's empire on a Physical Map of India

Grade Level: VIII A

Subject(s): History

Art Integrated:   Social Sciences & Craft 

Topic/Chapter: Ashoka- The Messenger of Peace

Learning Outcome(s): 

1. The students were able to come to know about extent of Ashoka's empire.

2. The students were able to represent different regions ruled by Ashoka creatively. 

3. The activity brushed up the artistic skills of the students. 

4 . The activity  elevated their knowledge of Social Sciences.

Idea Initiated by: Ms. Dimpi

Executed by: Students of Class VIII A

Description:  The students designed and artistically mark the extent of Ashoka's empire on a Physical Map of India with the help of pulses, gram and grains. 

Possible Variation: The students may also use bindis or beads to show the same.

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