Saturday, December 26, 2020

Business Studies - Marketing Poster Presentation


School - JM International School, Dwarka
Name of the activity- Poster Presentation (Ideation of Brand & Package Designing)
Grade level:  XII
Subject: Business Studies
Arts integrated - Art & Craft, Painting
Chapter - Marketing
Learning outcomes - Students will get a first-hand practical experience on creating a new Brand (including Brand Name, Logo, Tagline etc.) and designing a package for the product. Through this activity students will understand the significance of Branding & Packaging. 
Ideated and executed by - Ms. Marlyn Mervin
Description - In this activity, the students prepared a poster representing a unique Brand and Package. They were to create a new Brand including Brand Name, Brand Mark and design an attractive package for the product. This would enable them to understand the roles and responsibilities of a Marketing Manager and the important decisions he has to take with respect to a product.

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