Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Prefix Sliders


Name of school: Mount Abu Public School
Name of Activity: Prefix Sliders
Grade Level: 4th
Art(s) Integrated: Art and craft
Topic/Chapter: Prefix
Learning Outcome(s):
*To help learners get acquainted with meaning of Prefix
* To evolve young students to use correct Prefix in front of the words.
*To help students enhance their interpersonal intelligence.
*To enhance the understanding of the topic.
* To enhance students creativity.
The students were asked to make a prefix slider by giving it any shape of their choice like fish, bird, fruits, man, etc. They were asked to depict the slider in this way that every word in second sheet suits the prefix written on the top. They were asked to choose any prefix like Un, Pre, Re, Im, etc and create a slider by taking any 7-8 words which uses that prefix .

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